Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy November!

Another great week in the mission.  Among our duties this week was transporting two sisters to their new assignments and companions.  We drove  50 kilometers north to Munoz to drop one sister off and pick up another sister.  We took her 40 kilometers west to Genora to her assignment.  All this was done on bad roads dodging the usual collection of vehicles, people, dogs, chickens, and frogs.  We were stopped in traffic in Munoz and a trike hit the front of the car, scraping up the bumper. He just looked at us and hurried off as fast as he could through the traffic.  The office missionaries just smiled and welcomed us to the "I've been hit"club.

We helped decorate the mission home for Christmas this past week.  It was a weird experience to do that in the hot weather with no promise of snow ever.  We turned down the lights and listened to Christmas music by the light of the tree and with the A/C going and we could almost imagine it was December in Midway.  (he he)

Friday we hosted a mutual group on a tour of the mission office.  They are looking forward to the time they are old enough to serve missions.

As we start the Thanksgiving season, we can't help but think of all of our blessings.  We are so grateful for the gospel, for our Savior, for our eternal family.  The sacrifice of serving a mission is nothing compared to what we have been blessed with.  We love putting that name tag on everyday and hope we can represent the Lord well.

" in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which (God) doth bestow upon you."  --Alma 34:38--

Mahal Kita!

Jeepney of the Week

Christmas Tree in a Tarlac park.  Nativity scenes are at every public place.
No "political correctness" here

Elder Naegle and Elder Whiting decorating the Mission Home

Merry Christmas from the Philippines Angeles Mission!

Sister Whiting, center, and the Tongan sisterhood.  Sister Madon on the right is Filipino, but
says she is Tongan living with these three.

Christmas in the Philippines in October

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