Yesterday, we accompanied President and Sister Clark to the Guimba District Conference, an hour and a half ride through the countryside from Tarlac. It was dark when the meeting let out and President Clark was, shall we say, in a hurry to get home. It was a wild ride through the stormy, lightning filled night dodging trikes with no lights, people and animals, slamming on the brakes one minute to avoid a collision and flooring it the next to get around a slower moving vehicle. Add to that big puddles and frogs in the road and it was quite a hair raising experience. Heavenly Father truly protects His missionaries.
Friday, the remnants of a typhoon went over us and we had a windy, stormy day--well stormier than usual. Tarlac is quite protected from typhoons, thank goodness. They come from east to west and we are on the west side of the island with a mountain range in between to protect us.
Earlier in the week, we took a day to celebrate Elder Weber's birthday by visiting a cultural center called Nayon Philipino. It's like the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii only not as big. Sister Whiting got called out of the audience during the show to show her skills at dancing between the bamboo poles. It was hard!
It's transfers this week as we say goodbye to one group of elders and sisters and hello to another group. It will be a busy week for us.
We leave you with a thought from one of our Filipino Elders, Elder Nalumen: "We need to obey like Nephi, teach like Alma, pray like Enos, testify like Abinidi, and repent like Lamoni."
Jeepney of the Week |
Doing the bamboo pole dance |
Tropical Flowers |
At Nayon Philipino |
Why we wash the rice before cooking |
Gathering up the dried rice |
Caribau |
Kaliglie--Filipino Tractor |
Heather Jean, the Bishop's daughter, has adopted us as grandparents |
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