Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We're Here!

Hello from the Provo MTC!  We arrived Monday, August  24, with a little anxiety mixed in with our excitement.  But we soon felt very comfortable and learned that senior missionaries are very special--in a good way! ;)  We get to cut to the front of the line in the cafeteria and we have front row seats reserved for us at the devotionals.  The young elders and sisters are so kind and friendly to us old folks. We feel right at home.  It didn't take us long to feel the spirit and power of the MTC. We feel like we in in the midst of Helaman's army of stripling warriors; over 2,000 strong.  Elder Whiting and I love to just sit and watch them.  We admire them so much.  Our classes are wonderful and we are learning how to teach lessons in the most basic way so that the Doctrine of Christ can be understood by those we teach.  It is a very humbling experience.  We love it here!

Monday, August 24.  Ready to report

Name Tags!

"The Map"  We're going to the Philippines!

The cafeteria.  All you can eat and BYU Creamery ice cream on Wednesdays!

We were blessed to sit by Uncle Scott and Aunt Cindy at the Tuesday night devotional.  They are in the Romanian Missionaries Branch presidency at the MTC

Our time at the MTC is busy and challenging.  But we wouldn't have it any other way.  Our testimonies are stronger than ever because of this experience.  We hope we are worthy representatives of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you to finally be there and experiencing this together! Love you!!
