Saturday, August 29, 2015

Week One is in the Books

It's funny how close you can get to people in just a few days.  As we worked and worshipped with the 22 couples from all over the country, we learned to love each other.  Now we scatter again all over the world to take the message of the Gospel to Heavenly Father's children.  Thank heavens for e-mail so we can keep in touch with our new friends.

Above, our MTC group.  We are on the front row, third from left, of the second picture.  The couple to the left of us, Elder and Sister Armstrong from West Warren, Utah, are also going to the Philippines and will be our travel companions.

Sister Eames our fantastic morning Preach My Gospel teacher.  Brother Keddington skipped out on the picture.  Our teachers are amazing!  

Our district: L-R Elder and Sister Whiting; Sister and Elder Smith, assigned to the Logan Utah Mission; Elder and Sister Thomas, assigned to the Orem Utah Mission .Front row: our afternoon teachers Brother Wade and Sister Robertson.

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