Sunday, February 5, 2017

Burgers and Pizza and Fries, Oh My!

Just when we thought things couldn't get more hectic, they do.  We don't even have an opportunity to get "trunky", we're too busy!

Monday, we stayed late at the office to help with the new leader training meeting. Since most of the missionaries  who attend have traveled  quite a distance, the mission feeds them (and us) pizza when they arrive.  Tuesday, we drove an hour and a half north to San Jose to get a needed signature from a missionary. It was a total of 3 hours of driving for the 30 seconds it took to get the signature.  But it was needed in Manila, so we got it in the mail later that day.  It was a beautiful morning, and the traffic wasn't too bad, so it was all okay; just part of the job.  We had McDonalds for lunch, worked late, and had McDonalds again for dinner.

On Thursday, with the help of Elder and Sister Pugh and the office elders, we moved furniture into the senior couple house, then took them all out for pizza. We worked late getting things organized in the house and had McDonalds for dinner.

On Friday, we again drove to San Jose where we met President and Sister Clark, Elder and Sister Spung, and the rest of the mission presidency for dinner. There is a new counselor in the presidency, and this was a "get to know you" gathering.  President Clark relies heavily on his counselors to ease the burden of running a large mission and presiding over four districts.

Yesterday we had errands to run at the mall, so we ate at Burger King.  Last night was another late night in the office and another trip through the McDonalds drive thru. So you can see with our busy week we ate a very unhealthy diet.

Today we went to Dapdap to church--we hope to go one more time before we leave.  Those people are dear to our hearts. This afternoon, we put together a powerpoint presentation for zone conference next week.  The topic is the 30 minutes of exercise the missionaries are supposed to be doing.  Many of them don't do it for various reasons; one being they don't know how to exercise.  So our presentation gives them ideas on how to exercise and will hopefully get them to understand the importance of exercise so they are motivated to do it.  After so much pizza, burgers, and fries last week, we'd better follow our own advice!

We leave you (and us) with this health reminder from the Doctrine and Covenants:

"All saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their naval and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint." --Doctrine and Covenants 89:18-20--

Mahal Kita,
Elder and Sister Whiting

Jeepney of the Week

Early morning sun on the newly planted rice.

Rice fields as far as the eye can see.

How many Filipinos can fit on a trike?

Filipinos carry heavy loads on their heads.

Pretty in pink!

Dinner with the Angeles Mission Presidency.  Clockwise left to right: Sister and President Cruz, President and Sister Clark, Sister and Elder Spung, Elder and Sister Whiting, Sister and President Tabelisma

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