Sunday, December 4, 2016

Expect the Unexpected

It has been an interesting week in so many ways. Last Monday we and President and Sister Clark were invited to a belated Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the Angeles District.  Their district leader, Elder Teasdale,  found a turkey and a ham  and wanted to treat us to dinner.  We weren't sure what to expect as he made numerous phone calls to Sister Clark on Monday morning asking how long it took to thaw and cook a turkey. Also since they didn't have an oven in their apartment, they still weren't sure how they were going to cook it.  They ended up cooking it in a member's bread oven.  We were quite nervous that we would be offered raw turkey, and we were not sure what else to expect.  After all, these are 18-21 year old young men!

We got there before the turkey, and visited with the other district members until the meat showed up.  As they unveiled the meal, we were pleasantly surprised.  The turkey and ham were thoroughly cooked, the side dishes, including mashed potatoes and carmeled carrots were delicous.  There were rolls and Kimchi rice, and Sister Clark brought the pie.  It all was quite delicious and we didn't get sick either!  We appreciated their efforts on our behalf.

Wednesday night, Sister Whiting ended up going to the hospital to check on a sister missionary who went to the emergency room with stomach pains.  It ended up being hyperacidity and Sister Whiting took her back to her home around 10:30 pm with the conclusion that this sister has zero pain tolerance!

Friday, the assistants had a baptism for two women which we were invited to attend. We ended up as last minute speakers, as the scheduled speakers didn't show up. Elder Whiting talked about baptism and Sister Whiting talked about the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Thank heavens for the "True to the Faith" book!  The articles in that book make a quite nice last minute talk.

That evening, the mission hosted all of the stake and district presidents and their wives for dinner and a Christmas program at the mission home.  We had a wonderful choir of missionaries, and each of the senior couples had a part on the program.  It really was a lovely evening. And, as usual, the meal was delicious.  The mission home has the best cook in the Philippines!

Today, we attended the Burgos Branch and were a little late getting there.  As we arrived, we saw that there was a road widening project right in front of the church and the driveway was completely blocked off.  We parked on the other side of the road and made our way through the workers into the church just as they started pouring concrete.  By the time church was over, the concrete was poured and they were doing the finish work.  We wondered how we would get out.  The workers kindly laid a 2x4 plank across the new concrete for us to walk across as if on a tightrope.  Only in the Philippines!

We conclude our post today with this:  We testify that the great Creator condescended to be born in a manger.  That He lived, He atoned, and died for us, and that He lives today.  Thanks be to God for the matchless gift onf His Son.

Mahal Kita,
Elder and Sister Whiting

Jeepney of the Week

Thanksgiving with the Angeles District

The ham and turkey were cooked!
Missionary Choir with President and Sister Clark

Elder and Sister Whiting with President and Sister Espinosa of the Tarlac Stake
Cement trucks and carabao in Burgos

A timely road project

Some nativities in the Philippines

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