Sunday, October 9, 2016

We've let two very busy weeks slip by without a post, so get ready for a little bit of overload. ...

Two weeks ago, we ventured back into the mountains to visit the Saints in Pisapungan.  We haven't been there for quite a while, and with all of the rain, the road had deteriorated quite a bit.  We rode in and out in the branch president's truck, barely making it.  It was a good thing he is a skilled driver.  Elder Whiting had purchased some rubber dress shoes for the occassion in case we had to go through mud or water.  They did the trick, even if they made his feet sweat like crazy. As we were leaving, the villagers threw a big lizard (Komodo Dragon?) into the bed of the truck where Elder Whiting was riding. It thrashed around quite a bit--fortunately they had wired its mouth shut and tied up is feet.  It was going to be someone's supper.

We spent two days in Mu

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