Sunday, September 4, 2016

A Good Week

We have had a great week with lots going on.  President and Sister Clark felt there was unfinished business after Zone Conference and scheduled more training for our leaders.  So on Tuesday, we were at the office early to help serve breakfast to the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders as they met a week early for Mission Leadership Council.  Then at 10:30 am the District Leaders joined them and President Clark rolled out the "Octoberblest" initiative in the mission.  We spent the remainder of the day in training to achieve the very lofty goals set for this initiative.  Our Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders, and District Leaders have been called upon to step up and provide more leadership in helping their districts fulfill the goals set for Octoberblest. New reporting tools were introduced to support the initiative and everyone seemed excited to reach for the goals.  These goals do not include any specific baptism numbers other than each missionary should strive to baptize every week. We hope we can do whatever we need to to help the Elders and Sisters achieve their goals.

Friday, we had a senior couple meeting at the mission home.  We did some calendaring, had some training and received assignments for house inspections, and watched a training video for mission presidents on how transfers should happen.  We are proud to say that the Angeles Mission's transfers are in compliance with the standards set forth!   After the training, we had a delicious lunch and headed to S&R for an afternoon of shopping.  It was a fun, informative day and we enjoyed building friendships with each other.  It's so nice to have more senior couples in the mission; and the Pugh's and Dansie's are doing a great work.

Yesterday was a busy travel day.  We left early for Munoz, which is an hour and a half drive.  We met the Zone Leaders and took them to Jollibees to breakfast. Then they took us over to see a house we are considering renting for the new senior couple who come in October.  We assessed the house, asked questions, took pictures, and made requests of the landlord.  Then we hopped in the car and made the hour and a half drive to Camiling--through some horrible road construction--where Elder Whiting again participated in District Training--this time for the Camiling East and West Districts.  Since there is no mall to get kicked out of in Camiling, we three sisters--Clark, Pugh, and Whiting grabbed some Jollibees hamburgers and went to Sister Pugh's house for a nice visit while we waited for the training to finish.  Jollibees is the last place we like to eat, but that is the only eating option in both Munoz and Camiling so we went with it. We had a few errands to run on our way home from Camiling, but got home at a decent time and had a nice evening.

It hasn't rained as much this week, for which we are glad.  The fall forecast is for a cooler and wetter than normal pattern. This kind of pattern is good for the Philippines because there are fewer typhoons.  We're good with that!

We leave you with some excerpts from the Book of Ether.  We are so blessed to live in America!

"For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands ... and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the god of the land, who is Jesus Christ."  --Ether 2:10 & 12--

Mahal Kita
Elder and Sister Whiting

Jeepney of the Week--Dumlac--dumb luck :) 

Seniors at S&R -- Left to Right:  Elder and Sister Pugh, Sister Clark
Sister and Elder Whiting, Sister and Elder Dansie

Senior Couples Meeting. Front row: Elder and Sister Whiting
Middle Row: Elder and siser Dansie, Elder and Sister Pugh
Back Row: Sister Clark.  President Clark had already left for an appointment
He is a busy, busy man!
Weighing bags of rice--each one is about 90 kilos.

Elder Whiting only weighs 71 kilos!

I love Guimba!

Crazy Philippine road construction. The new part is used for cows and rice and parked cars.  Really!?

Old road on the left, New road on the right, and it's an art to avoid the oncoming traffic using the same single lane.

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