Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dapdap for Church; Squealing Pig Next Door for Dinner

Sister Whiting is still working on Baptism and Confirmation Records; and Elder Whiting is done with his work, so he is writing again this week.

We've had our noses to the grindstone this week - can't think of anything earth-shattering.  We took a short term missionary to Cabanatuan one day - takes much of the day to drive as well--we've talked about the roads and modes of transportation and 'rules of the road' before!  We took another missionary leaving early part way to San Fernando; turned her over to President and Sister Clark there, and drove home in the rain.

Today we attended church in Dapdap again - the little branch meetinghouse has paper thin walls, so above the noise of the dozen ceiling fans we could hear the squealing pig next door (we're sure it was being bled out for dinner), the dogs barking, the roosters, etc.  Also the power went out during testimony bearing.  Oh well - par for the course! But these member 'pioneers' are strong and faithful and we love them. We paid a generous fast offering there - hope we can leave a positive influence on the branch.  One convert, baptized yesterday, was confirmed today.  (We had 112 baptisms in the mission last month)

Yesterday we served lunch to the 12 stake and district presidents and 2 area seventies gathered for training.  The other night we bought a drill and masonry bits to drill holes to hang pictures in the office. (Elder Whiting thought he was done with concrete walls!)

This week we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary.  We are lucky to have each other.

We leave you this week with an extract of our Mission President's weekly message: "The Miracle Formula ... this is a profound piece of knowledge. OBEDIENCE + WORK (faith) = MIRACLES.  We all want more miracles in our lives.  We know that faith must precede the miracle and now we know that faith is manifest through our good works.  Elder Russell M. Nelson teaches that a mission is an exercise in obedience training. 'Obedience brings success; exact obedience brings miracles'..."

Love you one and all!!
Mahal Kita,

Elder and Sister Whiting

Jeepney of the Week
Forty Years Together

First Counselor in the Tarlac Stake Presidency, President Garcia, and his family on their way
home from church.  This is a special multigenerational LDS family that "gets" the Gospel.
We occasionally see horses pulling carts.  A remnant of the past.

In our mission, we talk about the "Divine Companionship" as taught by Elder Holland.  It consists of our missionaries and the Holy Ghost.  It is demonstrated by the "Third Chair".  The story behind this is that an investigator would always put up three chairs when preparing to be taught by the missionaries.  The "Third Chair" was for the Holy Ghost. It has become a symbol in our mission of the importance of teaching with the Holy Ghost.  Our missionaries strive to always have the "Divine Companionship" with them when they teach. We are putting together a collage of "Divine Companionships" in our mission and thought we would share ours, the Assistants, and the Office Elders' contributions.  We think they are pretty creative.

Office Elders' Fillmore and Branzuela let the Holy Ghost be in the Driver's Seat 

Elders Thacker and Amparado recreated the original "Third Chair" photo at the home of investigators now members

Elder and Sister Whiting strive to have the Divine Companionship in their office assignments.

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