Saturday, March 5, 2016

Clark Museum

The highlight of  an otherwise routine week was a senior couples trip to Clark Museum on the old U.S. military base. We watched a 4-D movie that was kind of a cross between a historical documentary and an Chamber of Commerce promotion.  The museum itself was really nice--it's only a year old--and had nice displays on history and culture, the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, some WWII artifacts, and a very slanted version of the history of the "Imperialist" United States occupation of the Philippines.

Lunch was at a nice deli attached to a gas station in Clark.  It was a very nice day. That afternoon, we sat in on the last half of a lesson to Mary and the kids.  We hope they come to church today.  We will be attending sacrament meeting today, then will be transporting a missionary to Manila.  He has been reassigned to a mission in the states because of health reasons and he leaves Manila tomorrow. It worked out okay for us to take him because we can't go back to our apartment until this evening because they are spraying for termites.  We hope that does the trick.

We leave you with the words of Alma to Zeezrom in Alma 12:34--"Therefore, whosoever repenteth and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have claim on mercy through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins; and these shall enter into my rest."

Mahal Kita,
Elder and Sister Whiting
Jeepney of the Week

Sister Whiting and Sister Pugh and President Nelson Mission Conference

Clark Museum:  L-R Brother and Sister Williamson, Elder and Sister Pugh,
President and Sister Clark, Elder and Sister Whiting

Sister Whiting playing around with the green screen

Waiting for the 4-D movie

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