Another eventful week in the Philippines Angeles Mission. It was full of new experiences and learning as we got a little more comfortable with our surroundings. We are beginning to see the big picture as far as our office duties are concerned. Elder Whiting not only does finances, but manages and pays the rent each month on the nearly 100 housing units our missionaries live in. To say it is a challenge is an understatement! The Church has certain criteria that must be met before housing can be approved, and in a country like the Philippines that's not always easy. Sister Whiting continues to learn her duties and hopes she will not forget the many details it takes to keep the mission running.
It rains nearly every day, and last night there was a terrific thunder and lightning storm that had Sister Whiting cowering under the covers. Last week a companionship of sisters got caught in some flooding and had to be rescued by the Elders. It's still hot and humid, but we got a real treat this week. Elder Weber has spent a lot of time designing and installing an air conditioning unit in our kitchen. We are so grateful for this. It has made our apartment much more comfortable. Now we just need to address the rats that run around in our attic at night. The landlord just laughs and calls them our "friends". We think we know how they're getting in, so we plan on poisoning them and plugging the hole. Then Sister Whiting won't be "weirded out" hearing them. Then all we have to do is ignore the traffic and the rooster that wakes us up at 3 a.m. It sounds like we're complaining, and I guess we are, but we just need to remember that our young missionaries do not have any A/C in their homes, and they walk or ride jeepneys or trikes wherever they go. They are our heroes! They are so full of light and spirit. We have had three come down with Dengue Fever, which is spread by mosquitoes and has very painful symptoms. But all are recovering now and we hope there are no more cases. One elder complained of pain in his upper arm, and an x-ray showed an abnormality. He was sent to Manila with the fear it was bone cancer. But good news! It's a noncancerous cyst. He still needs to have it treated but we are so grateful it's not cancer. He is a humble teddy bear Pacific Islander and we are so happy for him. We already love these missionaries as if they were our own children.
Some interesting customs we are getting used to: No matter how hot it is, the Filipinos cover up to not get browner skin. Fair skin is a sign you don't have to work outside for a living. Funny how we want the brown skin and they don't. It is common to see men with nothing but their eyes showing--they look like terrorists! But then we'll see men with their shirts pulled up so their belly is showing. Not sure why they do that, but its funny to see. There are dogs and cats and chickens everywhere, so you have to watch where you step. But can you imagine how many bugs there would be if there were no chickens? We have discovered pandesol! It's a delicious roll that is very sweet and melts in your mouth. Sister Whiting especially loves it and we buy it from the wife of the bishop whose ward we attend. Speaking of the ward, we attended today and we each gave prayers in Priesthood and Relief Society; and in Sunday School they asked Elder Whiting to explain some doctrine. They think the missionaries know everything and it's very humbling. With the language barrier we don't know how much they understood. Not many people have cars or even tricycles, so the parking lot of the church is practically empty. So different from America.
So Week Two is in the Books! What will next week bring? Who knows? We don't! We love all of you and we love our Savior, and are grateful to be serving Him in this part of His vineyard.
Jeepney of the Week. Room for "One More"! |
Elder Weber, left, and Elder Whiting at the mission training meeting for
Bishops and Stake leaders of the Gapan Stake |
L-R: President Clark, Elder Whiting, Sister Weber, and Brother Weber at
the Palayan Branch building in the Cabanatuan Stake |
A clinic in the Philippines. Scary place. |
The onion and garlic market. Fragrant! |
Elder Whiting at his desk in the apartment |
Elder and Sister Whiting at the reception of Brother and Sister Velasco.
They were sealed in the Manila Temple and both are returned missionaries.
In fact, Brother Velasco served in the Manila mission and knew Elder Dustin Webb. |
Elder Weber working with a Filipino on the brackets
for the air conditioning in our apartment. We are
so grateful to him for doing this. |
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